Bishops, Priest and State and membership,
Tempus fugit memento Mori, times fly, remember death, 
During the month of November, a family with the Knights of Columbus gave me a book and challenged me to a month with our friends, the Holy Souls in Purgatory. The Church sets a whole month aside for us to pray and remember, starting with All Souls’ Day and going through to the last day of November. As I journeyed though the month and reflected on the relatives I have lost and the friends and benefactors of my life, I realized that I had forgotten my fathers and my great grandparents in my everyday life. I had also relegated praying for these people to the prayers at mass, mostly the prayers for the faithful. The tiny book handed me has turned my daily routine into a blessing of unimaginable gifts of witness and hope.
The Knights of Columbus has so much genuine and unique things to offer to our generation and the next. It is hard for me to get a grasp on the response, “Yeah I like what the Knights do, but I don’t really have time for them or to be one right now.” To me that is like saying, “Don’t worry. I am never going to die; I know everyone else has but not me!!!”
We must be charitable and show, with our actions and works, the Truth to these people. They need to belong to the Knights. The lives they live will be better for it. We can prove it by our own stories of mercies, because of the well-founded organization. The beauty of the Saints and the path they chose lead to Charity, we can be Charitable to the souls in Purgatory with our actions that will inspire a future generation to look forward to a short but fruitful life.
My hope for you reading this would be for you to look for ways to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and offer Masses for your loved ones. Do small sacrifices to gain indulgences for those who suffer the purifying fires mercy, so that their sins will be remitted, and their rest will be a rest of refreshment and light. We can do much and I know for one--I need to do better.
Blessing of Thanksgiving to you all and Merry Christmas as well!!
Vivat Jesus,
Tim Nowak