Worthy State officers, Bishops and Priest and Members,
Blessed Lent,
A short prayer for your lent,
O Lord, as we travel through this day of our life and lent this year, our strength is in you; in our hearts are the roads to our eternal destination, the place where you dwell forever with your people like joy and in peace. Sustain us as we pass through the bitter valleys of suffering; shield us as dangers threaten; let us rejoice in the springs o living water that refresh us on our way; and keep us faithful until journey’s end, help us to pick up a new habit, instead of giving something up for lent. Let us pick up a new habit for the rest of our lives that replaces something to which replaces thousands of the things we could give up this lent, and by doing so have our best lent ever, though Christ our Lord. Amen.
During these forty days, other men are looking to change their lives. Ask them to join the Knights of Columbus and change their world and the world around them. Their family, friends and neighbors need the change that the Knights membership can bring. Put others needs before our own, through Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. It can be a game changer and that is why we need to invite, encourage and be a walking billboard to those who asked. “Why do I need to Join the Knights?”
May your travels this lent be fruitful.
Thank you, Vivat Jesus
Tim Nowak