Worthy State Officers, Bishops, Priest and Members
Here we are the conclusion of the Month of Mary, and it is so good to see the flowers and the showers. I wish you all a productive spring.
It was great to see so many strong Knights and their wives at the State Convention, I am sure you went home reinvigorated in our Mission of Blessed Fr. McGivney and our mission to the Church.
I was blessed over the last few months to discuss the Knights of Columbus in Wisconsin and the UP of Michigan with so many great people including the Bishops from Green Bay, Madison, the UP, and the Superior Diocese. As we continue to call the young in generous service of their neighbor. We must redouble our efforts in a growing environment of busyness and a lack of love-- joy in caring for the needy and the outcast. We must tell our story and show others the gifts which come from those exact actions of giving of our time and our resources to those around us who are less fortunate.
As I hear homilies from our Priest and State Chaplain, I am reminded of where to start the larger task of invitation of others. We can best accomplish this with our actions and our own commitment to those pillars that the Knights put into action. Charity does not always have to include money; it just must be the inclusion of those we see who are not included. As I heard from Fr. Tim Kitzke in the last month, we accomplish this by eating together and inviting others around us to break bread and find joy though feeding and serving others in communion with the Church. Invite your priest to lunch or dinner and ask them to bless your home and discuss ways to help serve him and be more in solidarity with them. It would be a great way to start the spring in your parish life!
We continue to have many opportunities to get our membership and potential members to our benefits nights. We had a great turn out for the monthly Benefit Night last Wednesday at 7pm. We will continue to offer new content and help our agents do in-person benefits nights at parishes and district wide nights as well.
The days are getting longer! Use this time to schedule more meetings with members. Go to council and district meetings. This will become the norm for me. I look forward to seeing even more of you in person.
Should you need anything, you can email me at Timothy.nowak@kofc.org
Let us make these warmer months our best months for growth in membership.
Vivat Jesus,
Tim Nowak, General Agent